Coaches and Uggs: There's at Least One on Every Block...

Before pissing anyone off, I love coaches and Uggs!

Virtually everyday I meet someone who is a coach be it lifestyle, business, mindset manifestation, wealth manifestation, health, achievement, leverage, badass, and who knows what else as they keep emerging. Clearly, coaching as a career has evolved tremendously over the past several years to it now being a booming industry.  

Today, it's the norm to have at least one coach.  And that's great. I've had them and continue to do so at various points in time. 

But let's get serious... Read on to see how this all ties together...

I've been an Ugg girl since 1995 when I bought my first pair out of necessity while working as a publicist during the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. There was a huge snowstorm that was too much for my east coast snow boots to handle, so there I was, face-to-face with a pair of black Uggs.  I wondered, 'Is Ugg short for ugly?'  At that moment, I didn't care; warm and snow proof was what mattered, and they kept me happy throughout the 10-day festival.

Twenty years later, I'm still wearing my original pair and they've held up remarkably well.

So what's the point of this, you may be wondering...

Uggs are made to last.  It's a brand that delivers beyond expectation of its promise.  They're toastie, comfortable, efficient, yet not particularly feminine or attractive.  Countless women just don't care. 'Throw away those heels and uncomfortable shoes and put me in my Uggs anytime, anywhere, for any occasion, and any season,' is what many say.

In New York City, I've counted more than 4 women on one block, and 10 in a single subway car all wearing Uggs. I've just bought my second pair.  

If you offer quality goods and services that deliver on your brand promise and remain true to your core values, customers will stick around and bring their friends to the party.

We all wonder if we're making the right choice when buying a product or professional service.  Whether you're looking to hire any service provider be it a coach, a copywriter, or anything else, here are a few things to ponder before making the decision:

  • Be clear about what you need and what outcome you're looking for

  • Vet them -- speak to references, check them out online, read reviews

  • Do you like their website, LinkedIn profile? Is their brand messaging clear, consistent, professional, and knowledgeable?

  • Read their blogs - do they resonate? Can they tell a story? Are they articulate and do you relate to them?

  • Have a preliminary call, learn about their process. Did they listen to and hear your needs accurately?

  • Get referrals from people you trust

It's a crapshoot when hiring someone you don't know, but by incorporating these questions, hopefully it will eliminate some of you reservations.

Be willing to pay for their services.  You do get what you pay for. Like my original pair of Uggs, the brand delivered beyond my expectations, has caused me to be an organic brand ambassador who will always defend Ugg against naysayers, and they've kept me warm and dry through many a blizzard.

Perhaps that's a very high bar to hold all accountable to but I believe professional brands and individuals, service or product providers, should be delivering on that level.